Core Strength Workshop
With Lane Wallace & WAI-NTX on October 26th:
Read on to learn more or get your ticket now!
Tickets are discounted for WAI-NTX chapter members!
Not yet a member? Click here!

Meet Our Presenter:
Lane Wallace!
Lane Wallace is a pilot, writer, career coach and consultant who specializes in diversity and inclusion issues. In 1999, Lane became the first woman columnist in Flying magazine’s history, and the lessons she learned over the next 16 years, navigating and maintaining the support of an international audience that was 96% male, and pursuing adventures across five different continents, inform her current work. She’s also spent the last few years researching D&I issues for her latest book project, and writes regularly on the subject in her “Core Strength” column in WAI’s Aviation for Women magazine. For more information, see: www.LaneWallace.com.
Adventures with Lane!
(Including her keynote session at WAI-NTX GIAD 2023!)

Workshop Date: 10/26/2024
Workshop Time: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Location: Texican Court Hotel
501 W Las Colinas Blvd., Irving, TX 75039
Click here for the hotel website and gallery!
Tickets will be discounted at $100 per person for chapter members & $130 for non-members, which includes:
All day coffee, tea, bottled beverages
Morning snack
Afternoon snack
Lane's workshop & materials
Hotel block rates are available first-come, first-served at $179 per room for Friday 10/25 - Sunday 10/27.
Click here for more information on the event, location, and other important details! Please note that tickets are non-refundable.